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5 Things to Consider Before Registering a School on ScholarDream

By Amani Ghachocha,

1 month ago Like
5 Things to Consider Before Registering a School on ScholarDream

Welcome back to ScholarDream blog section. Today’s episode will be based on the five things that you as a school owner or administrator need to pay close attention to before making the big enterprise decision to purchase a School Management Software. I will take you through the five key consideration which will make you easily adapt ScholarDream software in your school environment.


1.        Data Security and Adaptability

Many can be said about data security and the terms may change from time to time depending which software solution you have decided to adapt for your school. To cut the jargon short, data security is simply non-modification of the sensitive data whether in storage, in transit or in the public internet. At ScholarDream we embrace the practice of non-manipulation of user generated data and content. We keep the user data at the integrity level expected on the first sign up for our service.


2.        Periodic System Maintenance and Software Upgrades

Every system or machine requires periodic maintenance, and so is a software system. This can be burdensome and costly to school organization of which the sole purpose is to disseminate knowledge to the learning youth, young or old. With ScholarDream, that burden is offloaded, and cost is offset. We take great precaution to user feature requests and apply the best design principles to satisfy the user desired expectations.


3.        Data Availability and Usage Portability

Data availability is the second thing to consider after the data has been collected and stored for processing. How you access, where you access and what you access are all the metrics of usage portability. ScholarDream software is built based on the three mentioned dimensions. With tabs like navigators, ScholarDream will help you to become more productive in your school administration. Data on ScholarDream software can be accessed on all form factors such as desktop computers, tablets and even smartphones, not to mention the notifications available for featured phones.


4.        Outsourcing for System Configuration and Managed Preferences

From year to year, you as a school administrator you may be required to define the subjects which scholars take or class allocations for your teaching staff. ScholarDream software has all that configuration managed for you and leave you with just few clicks to get started with the new semester or term as you may refer. 


5.        Out of the Box Management Tools

This one last consideration factor requires your keen attention to details. Your goal as a school administrator is produce academically astute children and responsible graduates at the end of the study term. ScholarDream software comes with attendance feature which cater for staff members as well as for students. School timetable is another feature with will help your teaching staff stay on track and your student become self-managed. ScholarDream design philosophy is giving light to learners and the features we develop are the light bulbs for your students.

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